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the Universal Language Of Music 
  Introduction Program for Pre-K to Kindergarten  

History of Percussion Instruments


Anthropologists and historians repeatedly speculate that percussion instruments were the first musical apparatus ever came into being. But with the utmost certainty, the human voice was the first musical instrument and surely percussion tools such as feet, hands, rocks, sticks and logs came in second to the on-going evolution of music. Our heart beats are our individual rhythms to the universe. Further more, it is the rhythm and tempo that holds the music together. Commonly known as the "beat" on a song. Having the understanding of universal rhythms allows the student to be an versatile musician and communicator.


All curriculums are designed with the goal of making music fun and easy to learn. The programs begin the intellectual musical journey of a universal art form and educational experience of music. Our Music Is Fundamental programs begin from Pre - K to grade 5. Lessons focus on the art of playing and making percussion instruments. Over the course of the entire program, students will learn the names, the sounds and identify dozens of a variety of percussion instruments.


Students learn the difference between hearing and listening.

Our lesson planers are simple for instructors and students. Picture and word flashcards 

are a tool to allow the student to still familiarize themselves with  the instruments when not watching the DVD. Lesson planers also provide instructors with learning curve levels to monitor students progress.

  Flash Cards And Lesson Planers Come With DVD'S .
Terry Jean Pollard Music Foundation Inc. Copyright 2018
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